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Contact me over the contact page or

by phone for a private Tarot Reading Session


Should you feel uncertain - bring a friend along, but a Tarot Reading is a private matter and should not be shared.


The way it works...

You will chose a question. Your question must be very clear in your mind.

At first you will NOT tell me your question.


We shuffle the cards until you say stop, we cut them and then you pick your cards


I will read your chosen cards as they unfold

- intuitively.  After I have read them you will

tell me your question, and we go over the intitial intuitive interpretation again.


During 45 minutes, you can ask the questions that are on your mind.


I will coach and council you with the outcome. My goal is that you have more clarity on what is on your mind, and help you if you choose to undertake the next steps !


We can do this in English, Dutch, German or

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